Navigating Meteor

09 Mar 2017


Within the meteor construct there are a a number of confusing paths that you must navigate. You need a map and you need to know how to read this map in order to create a working product. I have traveled some of these path and I am by no means well versed in it. However, I hope to impart some of my knowledge concerning a particular pitfall that I have encountered. I will not say that this is easy, only that if you try your best, then you will be able to make it out alive.


My path had led me into some issues regarding using multiple systems while working on the same project. That is to say going in between two different versions of Windows. Up until this point I had not seen any difficulty in doing so and had gone between my laptop and my desktop freely. However, once meteor became a part of my diet, my desktop running windows 8 had some indigestion. I was able to work with it perfectly fine on that system, but when I attempted to copy my work onto my laptop, there were some issues. The files copied easily enough via github, but for whatever reason the meteor app would not run. I attempted re-running the cmd lines in order to reinstall the parts that I thought were missing, but to no avail. Ultimately, the quick fix was to simply delete everything and start from scratch. It set me behind where I wanted to be in terms of progress, but because of the complexity of meteor I felt that this was more efficient with my time. I understand that there is value in going back and fully grasping how to use these different environments together, but for now, my unlearned mind is better off with the quick fix.

Parting Thoughts

I have also noted other paths that I dare not travel just yet. I know that there are pitfalls that lie in wait and I know that I need to avoid them. One issue in particular is the entire concept of knowing what to put on the server and what to put on the client. Part of me understands some of the basic concepts and I know that some of this will come in time, but it is something that might be more easily understood talking person to person instead of attempting to comprehend it on my own. Conceptually I understand what is where and essentially how people access either one, but to know whereto put what would take some more instruction that I have not found anywhere to be sufficient. This is a side path for the time being and I do not see objectives beyond it just yet, but I know that one day I must travel through this part of the map in order to, “win the game”, as they say. Until then it is all about the journey and not so much about the destination.